the Long's Strange Trip Questing
into the unknown...
Thoughts "Meandering Thoughts" is an occasional column containing all sorts of ramblings on topics that both of us are talking and thinking about. As always, we welcome your feedback.
September 18, 2000 - Illicit Practices - Thoughts on the drug war. August 5, 2000 - Crime and Punishment - Opinions about the death penalty. June 10, 2000 - French Fries for Breakfast - Living healthy on the road. June 1, 2000 - Squat
Toilets - Just what it sounds like. May 27, 2000 - The Local Price - Everything's negotiable. May 14, 2000 - Books We've Read (continually updated) - Books and travel can change your life. April 4, 2000 - Travel Challenges (continually updated) - And you thought taking a year off to travel the world was all fun and games. April
4, 2000 - Beers We've Had (continually
updated) - Cheers!
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