the Long's Strange Trip

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Questing into the unknown...
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A little something about us
Sabbatical 2000
Journal 2000
Meandering Thoughts
Images from the Road
Lasting Impressions
The Adventures of Randy
Just like being there
Gear and Resources
Thank you's

Thank You's

There's a few folks who deserve a word of thanks from us.  We'd like to thank our sister and sister-in-law, Lele Long, for volunteering to keep our cats while we're gone.  This was a big concern from the beginning, and we'll be able to relax and have a great time knowing the kids are in good hands. 

We'd also like to thank Scott and Laura Krugelwicz, who did a round-the-world jaunt in 1999 and chronicled their incredible journey  on their web site,   After following their adventures, we were lucky to actually meet them and find out that they were not only extremely adventurous, but also very nice.  Meeting them convinced us that we're not all that strange after all.  Thanks to both of them for their advice and friendship.

The more we talk to people about what we're doing, it seems like the more people we find who are doing the same thing.   That's how we met Shane Finkelstein and Courtney Gibson, new friends from Atlanta who left in December for their own sojourn.  Thanks to them for their advice and friendship.  Be sure to check out their web page at as well.

We would be remiss if we didn't thank our parents, who instilled in us a love of travel and adventure.  We thank all four of them for supporting us in this decision.  Also, to our siblings, who are the best friends we have.  We love you all very much.

Thanks also to all of our wonderful friends in Atlanta and all over the country.  We have been so blessed to meet and know so many different and fascinating people.  Your many influences have made us who were are today.



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